Monday, November 23, 2009


Hi everyone, here is the ultrasound that shows THREE sacs....I still can't believe it, I am pretty sure I am still in shock and reality hasn't set in. I go to the specialist on December 2nd and will know more about baby#3...for those you don't know, when I got this ultrasound, the Dr could only get heartbeats on babies#1 and #2. He said #3 was so high up he couldn't get it. Evan is so excited he is giddy...I am more on the worried side..since you know, I am the one that is carrying them!! I still don't know how more then one baby fits in a human's CRAZY! Needless to say we are both excited, and it truly is a blesssing.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kenzi and Kade

These two cousins have a Love-Hate relationship. They love to play and be together, but they just tease each other... all...the...time. Hopefully they will grow out of it one day.
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1st Snow of the Year!

Kenzi really likes the snow, Mom just needs to buy her some gloves and she will probably last longer...Poor Girl!
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